
She doesn't even realize she's being funny. She says it with a straight face, which makes it even harder not to laugh out loud. 

Ainsley (after coming out of her room at bedtime): "Mommy I want a hug."
Me: "Ainsley Mae, get back in bed!"
Ainsley: "Hug!"
Me: "Get in bed. You've already had plenty of hugs. Stop coming out of your room!"
Ainsley (doing her best Austin Powers/Doctor Evil impression): "Hug! Hug! Hug!"
If you haven't seen the movie then it's not nearly as funny.

On our way home today, after she says something brilliant:
Me: "How did you get to be so smart?"
Ainsley: "God made me that way." 
At least she's humble.

My DH gets her up from a nap.
Ainsley farts.
DH: "Ainsley, was that your bottom?"
Ainsley (straight-faced and completely serious): "Yeah, it's just waking up."

I love that silly girl.



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