A Two Week Trip

This year Ainsley was old enough to join her cousins for a two week trip to her grandparent's home in the mountains of North Carolina. It's hard to believe she is old enough to spend two weeks away from home, but she never batted an eye and never seemed to get homesick at all! That was of course aided by the fact that Grandma and Grandaddy kept the kids very busy - too busy to think of home!  Cousins Caleb (13) and Carolina (7) also joined her. We did FaceTime every few days so she could tell me all about what she was doing and she could talk to Parker. They had very sweet phone conversations.

A: "Hey buddy! I miss you!"
P: "Hi Sissy! I miss you!"
A: "Did you have a good day today?"
P: "Yeah I played with trucks!"
A: "Be a good listener for Mommy, okay?"
P: "Okay Sissy."

He really did miss her, but I think he secretly enjoyed being the center of attention. We also enjoyed two weeks of no fighting. It was eerily quiet in the house...

So he's a little photo montage of Ainsley's adventures with Grandma and Grandaddy. Enjoy! 

An evening chat while watching the hummingbirds.

Grandaddy is such a great such a great storyteller!

Visiting Aunt Alice and Uncle Jamie at Lake Bowen.

Boating on the lake!

She enjoyed walking Charlie and Annie.

Ainsley and Carolina were signed up for swim lessons each day. She enjoyed practicing her strokes and then playing in the pool afterwards. She made some new friends too!

Our little swimmer!

The girls had a lot of fun helping Grandma cook. 

She and Carolina shared the guest room bed. They were both worn out at the end of each day!

They visited two different childrens museums in the area. 

And they went to the aquarium! 

Ice cream treats!

One of her favorite places was Gravitopia. It is filled with big pits of foam blocks and they jump and bounce all over the place! They went here two different days and she had a blast!

At the end of the two weeks we drove down to visit for the weekend and bring our girl home. We had a great weekend together. On Saturday we all went tubing down the Green River (Parker stayed at the house with Grandma because he's still a little too young). 

Then we went to Lake Bowen to visit Alice and Jamie. 
Parker was so happy to spend some time with his family!

Ainsley really missed her little brother!

Grandma and Grandaddy are so wonderful to take these kids for two whole weeks! 
What wonderful memories!

Before heading home we stopped for some quick pictures while heading down the mountain.

Our little 'king' after our lunch stop.

Ainsley was exhausted after her adventures in North Carolina. 
Thanks again to my wonderful in-laws for this wonderful experience!


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