Summer Love

Summer is a wonderful time. A time for swimming, playing outside, enjoying the late sunsets, and running around barefoot. The one thing that is not awesome about summer is that my kids spend a little too much time together. They fight over toys. They argue over what movie to watch. They interrupt each other constantly. They push and shove and kick because they can't figure out how to fit on the couch together. Ainsley builds things and Parker knocks them down. They can't agree on what color the carpet is. 

Unfortunately I missed out on these sibling experiences being an only child (my parents were so smart...). But luckily during the school year they only see each other for 3 hours a day so it's not so bad. Spending all summer together creates some challenges. So we signed Ainsley up for camp one week in June. She took a (perfectly-timed and sanity-saving) two week trip to my in-laws in July. And now we are getting ready for school to start again. Hallelujah! There will be peace and harmony in the house again until winter break. 

I know they really do love each other, and they really did have a fabulous summer. Sometimes I even catch pictures of them looking happy and doing cute things. 

Like this little guy who ate a cupcake with green icing and then smeared it all over the house. 

Or when the babysitter took him (solo) to the zoo and he got to ride the safari train (which we never let him do because it takes a really long time) and he was the happiest boy in town.

Or when Ainsley was getting ready to go to Grandma & Grandaddy's house for two weeks and they gave each other big snuggles for 5 minutes.

Or when we left the kids at home and went to a birthday party for a dear friend and her dad made jello shots for everyone (Kat has the coolest dad - he also happens to have a tiki bar in his backyard).

Or the thirty-seven times we took the kids to get fro-yo this summer (I think that's an exaggeration but maybe not...)

Or when they wore themselves out at the pool and fell asleep in the car.

Or the time Parker put Dixie 'to bed' and sang lullabies to her. 

Or that other time we went out for fro-yo.

 Or the fun 4th of July party at Mimi's house. 

Yep... more fro-yo.

Or the many times they met friends for lunch at Chick-Fil-A and played until their stomachs hurt.


Or going to the playground.

Or being totally cute and lovable with their sibling.

 Or the many times we went to the pool as a family.

It's been a fun and fabulous summer and I'm (mostly) sad for it to end. But we can now look forward to fall football at JMU and Saturday morning soccer games. And probably some more frozen yogurt too. 


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