She's a 'Firstie'!

What did you say??


Yep - it's hard to believe we now have a 'firstie' in our house! Ainsley started her second year at The Steward School today. So what does it mean to be in 1st grade at Steward? Well, some pretty exciting things happen when you move up to a grade with a number. Last year all the kindergarteners had a Steward School tote bag with her initials. This year, as a first grader, she gets to bring her own backpack. So she spent about 25 minutes in Target last week selecting the perfect one - dark purple with pink hearts and six (yes, count them, SIX) pockets. She is so excited to see how much stuff she can fit in the pockets of her backpack. I'll have to check it each morning to make sure she hasn't hidden the toaster or the dog in her bag. 

Another perk of moving up with the big kids is that she can now play on the playground before school. Last year she had to go straight to her classroom when she arrived. The big kids get the play on the playground if they arrive early. This will be a major source of motivation for getting out of the house on time this year. 

Her teacher is Mrs. Moore - and Ainsley has already declared that she has cute clothes and is a 'very smart teacher.'  What else could you need? She has 11 kids in her class this year (about 1/3 are the same as her class last year - the others they swapped around from the other classes), and she already knows all but 1 of the kids. After picking her up on the first day she was already trying to get me to schedule a play date with one of her classmates. She is very excited to start the year with her friends, and I know she will learn a lot this year! 

Look how tall she's gotten!!
[I actually realized, while walking her into school, that she is breaking the dress code with those shorts....they are definitely not fingertip length anymore. She grew 3 inches this summer!]

Showing off that fabulous hair cut she got last weekend.

Her grade has a NUMBER!!!

First-day-of-school lunch with Mama at her favorite restaurant [she only has a half day of school on the first day... which is great for the kids and somewhat annoying for those of us who work all day]

Happy girl!


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