North Pond 2015

After a long summer we finally made it to the lake in early August. We spent five days with my parents, relaxing by the water and enjoying the outdoors. It was actually a little cool while we were there, so we only went swimming a few times. But after our hot and humid Richmond summer, the cool air was a welcome relief for us. 

The kids have decided that Burger King is their new favorite stop on road trips. 

Nana and Papa kept all of my old bikes and even put new tires on some of them so the kids could ride them up here. Ainsley found Papa's old tricycle in the barn and thought it was the best bike ever!

We found lots of frogs, toads, and newts during the week. And we spend a lot of time catching and examining them!

Looking for fish and attempting to drop pebbles onto lilypads to see if they float.

Testing out the water.

"It's not cold, Mama!"

I received several bouquets of lilypads.

A very happy water dog.

A beautiful day at the cabin!

The kids collected firewood several times so we could have s'mores. 
Here they are, admiring their work.

Playing peek-a-boo with Papa. 

Our handsome little swimmer.

Daddy snuggles!

Papa got the kids new fishing poles. This was a highlight of the week. We weren't sure how good the fishing would be off the dock but the kids managed to catch about half a dozen fish, including a good sized bass and a perch!

Parker liked fishing but did NOT want to touch the fish. 

Ainsley's big catch!

Parker caught a bass too! Notice how he keeps himself safely away from the fish?

Trying to convince him that it's okay to hold it.

My favorite place to be.

My parents were so smart to purchase the ATV and the Ranger those many years ago. They certainly provide endless entertainment for their grandkids! They had lots and lots of rides through the woods each day. 

You'll probably be getting this on your Christmas card this year!

Happy kids with their grandparents! We had such a great visit!


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