Adventures in Scotland - Our Last Day

Well, the day I've dreaded has finally arrived. Our last full day in Scotland - we fly back to the States tomorrow. It has been such a great trip and we've done so much in the past nine days! Today we explored more of Stirling, starting with Bannockburn Battlefield. This is where Robert the Bruce beat the English in the early 1300's, even though they were highly outnumbered. Scots consider this the most important battle in gaining Scottish independence.

Lunch at a local pub with a great quote on their bar.

Next on to Edinburgh Castle, probably the best preserved castle in Scotland (and certainly the most historically significant).

Built on high rock with beautiful views of the surrounding areas.

Another Heilan Coo! She even posed for me.

We stopped at a cafe to meet Maggie, a Scotland artist who is a friend of my mom's. My mom has taken several of her pastel workshops (including one in Scotland a few years ago) and Maggie always stays with my parents when she comes to the States. She also painted beautiful portraits of my kids when they were babies. It was fun to have a quick visit with her! She recommended a restaurant for dinner, which we thoroughly enjoyed. 

Thistle on the table! 

The waiter, upon learning we were from Virginia, stated "Unfortunately the only thing I know about Virginia is that Chris Brown is from there." Yes, he sure is. If he is our most famous Virginian at the moment, we are in trouble!

We drove back to Edinburgh and we are staying at a country house near the airport. It has a tv on the wall in the bathroom, so they have definitely made some recent upgrades! We started the long process of unpacking and repacking so we can make the trip home tomorrow with just two suitcases. Let's hope they let us on the plane! 


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