Adventures in Scotland - Day 2 In the City

After getting a good nights rest we were ready to head out into the city again. We started down the Royal Mile again and went to the new Parliament Building - remember Scotland's parliament was just reinstated in 1999 after 300ish years without. It's a modern building and the debate gallery is much more open than our congressional galleries.

Unfortunately they were not in session today as they are all in their home districts preparing for tomorrow's referendum vote on the E.U.

We then headed across the street to Holyrood Palace, which is the Queen's residence when she is in Edinburgh (which will be in a few weeks). The palace is usually open to visitors most of the year, but unfortunately it was closed today because the Duke and Duchess of Rothesay were staying there. Yep, that's Prince Charles and Camilla and we got to see them!!! Well, we got to see where they were staying... I'm sure if they knew we were in town they would've come out to say hi. 

Mildly disappointed, we headed on to the next big thing. And by 'big thing' I mean mountain. Edinburgh sits on an extinct volcano so there are interesting mountains (Salisbury Crags) that overlook the city. A 'brief' 90 minute hike up rocky stairs, through wildflower meadows, and along cliffsides led us to the top of Arthur's Seat, where we enjoyed glorious views of Edinburgh and all the surrounding areas. Although I'd like to say we bagged our first Munro, it technically doesn't qualify at only 827 feet. 

We're headed to the top!

Getting closer! 

Nice view of the water too!

Made it!

On the way down - the lazy way.

We headed back down to town for a late lunch, then wobbled across the street to see Canongate Kirk (built in 1691), where the Queen and royal family attend church when they are in town. She even has the front pew reserved for her!

Headed back to the room to rest our  feet and refresh our water. We had planned to visit the National Gallery but realized, at 5:15, that it closed at 5:00. This sunset-at-midnight really messes with your sense of the time! Instead we walked up to Calton Hill, which is a hill with a bunch of random monuments on it. By random, I mean some are half finished (from the 1800s when they ran out of money and never went back to complete them), and they are all in completely different styles. One looks like a mini- Washington Monument, one is a half-finished Parthenon, one is an upside down telescope, and one is an astrological observatory- all sitting on he same hill above the city. Weird, interesting, and provides nice views at least. Apparently Robert Barker (a Scot) patented the panoramic photograph from this very hilltop because of the amazing views it provides. 

Semi-finished Roman monument 

Hey! That's the mountain we climbed earlier today!

Nice view of our hotel (with the clock tower), and Edinburgh Castle (far on the hill).

A view of the city below - thank God for the selfie stick or you'd just be seeing lots of pictures of Eric. 

Back down to Princes Street.

By then it was 7pm so we headed to a local pub for dinner. Our table was surrounded by people speaking German, French, and Czech. It reminds me what a wonderfully diverse world we live in! 

I must say that I'm slightly disappointed that the only kilt-wearing men I've seen work in the tourism industry, but I have high hopes for what we'll encounter farther north. Back to the hotel to pack for tomorrow - we pick up the rental car at 8am and then we're off on our next adventure!


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