Going Our Separate Ways

Last weekend was a little crazy. I had baccalaureate and graduation to plan for at work, my DH was at JMU for an alumni board conference, and Ainsley was invited to a sleepover trip to DC with a friend from school. So for one night, we all headed in different directions. One of our longtime babysitters, Shelby, stayed at the house with Parker and the dogs. Ainsley went to DC with her friend, and I drove to Harrisonburg to meet Eric for the alumni awards banquet. Despite all the stress involved in coordinating everything, we all had a great time while in different parts of the state. 

Ainsley and Cora had a great time in DC.

Eric and I had a great time with other JMU alums (and got to stay at Brandon and Heather's new vacation house!)

Lots of fun folks from Richmond!

Duke Dog made an appearance!

House Hedrick


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