Adventures in Scotland - Day 3 Off the Beaten Path

This morning we got up early, had breakfast at the hotel, and then hit the road. We picked up our rental car at the airport just outside Edinburgh, which wisely meant we did not have to drive in the city. After a few minutes getting used to everything in the car being backwards - the steering wheel! the rearview mirror! the windshield wipers! - we finally made it onto the (left side of the) road.  

beautiful drive out of Edinburgh, across the Firth, and into the Kingdom of Fife, where we arrived at St. Andrews. Today being Eric's birthday, I thought it was a fitting place for him to spend his day. The weather cooperated (again!) and we had lovely sun, clouds and mid 60's throughout our visit.

The old St. Andrews Cathedral ruins. The church was built in 1160 but was destroyed during the Scottish Reformation in the 1500's.

That's the North Sea behind us - looking toward Denmark and Norway.

The ruins from St. Andrews Castle.

The Old Course! Birthplace of golf!

He is one happy birthday boy!

"Do you know who has walked over this bridge??," he says. Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer, Tiger Woods... Every great golfer in the world!

Lunch at a local restaurant in the middle of church square, along with our new friend, Bobby, the Scottish Terrier.

After lunch we're back in the car and headed north into the Highlands. We made it to Pitlochry, basically the base of the Highlands and the entrance to Cairngorms National Forest. We are staying at the Knockendarroch, a B&B. Amazing views from our room!

Since it is my DH's birthday, I had researched a local Whiskey Walk. Our tour book describes a scenic 2 mile walk to a local distillery and then another 1 mile walk to a second distillery. Sounds like a perfect afternoon! We leave the room at 3:00, with plenty of time before all the distilleries close at 5:00. First we are wandering through a typical Scottish meadow - always lots of sheep.

Still walking... Still more sheep.

Take a break at some castle ruins.

Lose the path in a field of flowers.

Town is getting further and further away... Are we going the right direction? It's 4:00 now... Shouldn't we be there?

After consulting three maps and the tour book, we still end up losing the (poorly marked) trail and wandering around the hillsides. Beautiful, yes, but we're getting thirsty for whisky and the distilleries close at 5pm...

Finally we end up on a road, power walking so we can get there before they close. We made it at 4:50!! Time for a drink - we have 10 minutes! Except they only serve drams for tasting at the end of their tours, and they aren't running anymore tours now. 😳

He looks awfully happy for someone who had to follow his wife around Pitlochry countryside, while being promised whisky that he never got.

The good news is that we finally found the right trail, which is easy to spot and well-marked if you are leaving the distillery.

An unexpected waterfall. 

Handsome birthday boy!

Thirty seconds after I snapped this photo a train went across the bridge. I didn't even realize it was still a working bridge!

We've seen several of these signs. And since he's a year older...

We finally made it back to the room with time to clean up and change before dinner. Another wonderful meal (and a large selection of whisky).

Strolling around outside our room after dinner.

Time to rest these weary feet and plan for another day!


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