Day 51 - Reviewing Goals

We've made it past the 50 day mark, with 35 days left to go. Although after the governor's announcement yesterday, maybe we'll be finished a little earlier (???) I'm not holding my breath quite yet.... 

I thought this might be a good time to go back and review my goals that I set for myself at the beginning of this. I set these goals on March 22, back when I thought we'd only be home for three weeks. Oh how things changed... let's see how I'm doing thus far. 

1. Read 30 minutes a day. My kids have to read 30 minutes and I should too.  WTF was I thinking here??  I mean I have done a little more reading than I used to. I'll give myself credit for one day a week of reading 30 minutes. 

2. Post in my blog several times a week. #WINNING!  I am doing really well at this goal. Yay for me. 

3. Two days a week I won't have anything alcoholic to drink. Umm...... I'm not sure why I thought this was a good goal. 

In other news, I moved my office. Being in the basement right below the kitchen was just too loud. I heard every single step of someone walking, and the poker table just wasn't a comfortable spot. So I moved to the guest room (also in the basement, but in the corner with a door that shuts, and it's underneath our bedroom so no one is walking around above my head during the day).  Normally this room is closed off to the animals, so our guests don't have dog or cat hair in the room. But since we won't be having guests anytime soon, I figured it doesn't matter much. Panda clearly loves this new spot, although my smaller table doesn't quite give him enough room to join in my zoom calls. 

 Is he doing yoga poses?


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