Momming with Bugs: Day 50

Guess what our next science project is? Butterflies! Seriously the easiest thing I've ever done. Insect Lore has this butterfly kit that you buy (basically just a pop-up mesh tent, but we can re-use it year to year). Then you spend $7 to order caterpillars.  Here they are - five of them in their little jar. 

Apparently all the food they need is in the jar with them. They are busy eating and growing right now. We wait a few days until they make their chrysalis and then we put them in the mesh tent. A week later they will come out as butterflies! What a fun thing to watch and then release into our garden!  They also have other insect kits (ants, ladybugs, etc). We've only had them for a day but it's already been entertaining.


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