Finishing the School Year: Day 75

Today will be my last "Momming Hard" labeled posts. I feel like the end of the school year signals the end of this phase. Although we are definitely not out of the pandemic, I am no longer juggling homeschool with work. Instead I'm just juggling my kids at home... while I work. Sigh... not much different I supposed. Still no camps, they still can't go anywhere. Maybe it'll just be "Momming Hard in the Summer?"  Honestly momming is hard all the time. 

So today was 'officially' the last day of school for the kids. Parker finished 2nd grade and moves to the Tall Hall next year. In a normal world, Ainsley would've had a lovely 5th grade recognition assembly at school. She would've dressed up and had her picture taken. She would've walked across the stage. She would've celebrated with her classmates at a fun dance party that night. But she doesn't get to do any of those things.  

We tried to still celebrate the end of her lower school career and her 'graduation' to middle school (MIDDLE SCHOOL?!?!?!!) The school held a nice drive-thru for the 5th graders. We drove through the carpool loop with all the teachers lined up cheering. She was given a bag with her certificate, 5th grade t-shirt, and some other fun gifts from the school. 

We would normally spend Memorial Day weekend at a rental house in Charlottesville with two other families. We didn't get to do that either. So we decided to get together with them so that all three 5th grade girls could celebrate together. We even made them wear their dresses! (and then the quickly changed so they could play in the woods).

The girls threw their headbands in the air. 


The younger siblings...such a fun group!

We had a great evening celebrating these kids and the end of this crazy school year. Thankful for friends that are like family. #SIXTHgradesupportgroup


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