Day 60 - Momming with Appreciation

We are 60 days in. Two months.  I've been thinking about all the things I took for granted for granted before all this happened:

I love puzzles. I love the feeling of accomplishment once they are finished. This is now our 4th (or maybe 5th?) puzzle of the pandemic. 

The most useful appliance in the whole house. I swear this thing gets run once, sometimes twice, EVERY SINGLE DAY. I have never been more grateful for this amazing box of spraying water.

We didn't know last year when we got him, but Panda has been the best addition to our family. He has been an emotional-support cat for our children during this lockdown. He sits with them every day - keeping them company on calls, sleeping in their beds while they read, and tolerating their hundreds of kisses and cuddles. He never complains when the kids wake up from his nap to hug on him, or throw him over their shoulders to carry all over the house. He also provides endless entertainment as he hunts bugs, sticks his face in open refrigerators, and carries his toys around in his mouth like a dog. 

I'll be honest, we haven't used our outdoor living space that much in the past few years. We just aren't home often enough - or we miss that tiny window when Richmond has nice weather that isn't too cold or scorching hot. This lockdown has forced us to stay home (something we Bowlins don't do well) and we've thoroughly enjoyed 'living' outdoors. I've taken video calls at the table, I've taken my puzzle mat outside, we eat our meals outdoors, and of course enjoy happy hour outside as often as possible. The added bonus is getting to wave hi to everyone who passes by on the trail behind the house. These days that's a LOT of people! 

What would I do without my constant companions, keeping me company while I work or following me up and down the stairs as I help the kids with school work. Of course their favorite thing to do after our morning walk is to curl up and go back to sleep. They also (quite annoyingly) announce every squirrel, delivery truck, or neighbor who passes in front of our house. If I was ever worried about someone breaking into our house, this has certainly put my mind at rest. 

I love baking. It makes the house smell good. It makes me feel like  It's enjoyed by everyone (who doesn't like carbs?) I've tried to keep some baked goods on the counter at all times. Muffins, brownies, cookies, bread, cake... there's always something for a snack or dessert! Last night I broke out my bread machine and made my first loaf of French bread - it was good! 

I know, it seems odd to wrap this up with work. But I really took for granted how flexible my job has been (and continues to be). I am able to get all my work done, but have the flexibility to do it throughout the day and evening - sometimes 20 minutes at a time - but I get it done! I am so thankful that I work part-time and have so much respect for those parents who are still putting in 40+ hours and trying to teach kids at home. My 28 hours are about all I can handle while dealing with these crazy kids! 

As we are closing in on the end of school, I am trying to be thankful every day for what we DO have, rather than the things we are missing. I know things are not going to be 'normal' for a looooooong time, and there are still so many unknowns about our summer, about school next year, about everything. Those unknowns threaten to swallow me any minute, so I'm trying extra hard not to focus on them and just live day by day. Y'all know what a struggle that is for me! 


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