More Ainsley-isms

For those of you who don't follow our many Ainsley-isms on Facebook, here are some of her recent thoughts:

On Intelligence:
Me: "Ainsley, how'd you get to be such a smarty pants?"
Ainsley: "I practice a lot."

On Marriage:
"You and Daddy have to kiss each other every day because you're married. If you don't kiss each other then you aren't married anymore."

On Being a Big Sister:
"I love being a big sister. Except I don't like it when Parker pulls my hair. Or when he bites me. Or when he takes my toys. Or when he yells really loud. And I don't like his penis. Girls don't have a penis."

On Patience:
Ainsley (after interrupting me): "Mommy, it's just so hard to be patient! I'm really trying, but I have to tell you things that are more important than what you're talking about."

On Winning:
Ainsley (showing off her soccer trophy to me:) "Look Mama! It says 'Congratulations! You got this trophy for winning and playing really hard. You ran so fast and are a good soccer player. Thanks for playing.' That's what it says here on the trophy."
Me: "Are you sure that's what it says?" (it's the size of an oreo).
Ainsley: "Yes! It says it all here on the trophy!"

And every night for the past week:
Ainsley: "I want to sleep with my trophy because it's so special. It's my first ever trophy for being such a good soccer player. Parker doesn't have a trophy. He can't play soccer."
Always a competitor...

On Football:
"Mommy, remember when we were at JMU and we saw Duke Dog running on the field with the Redskins?!"  I think she has her teams confused...

On Work:
Ainsley: "MOMMY! Guess what?! Today I was the LINE LEADER at school!! It's the BEST JOB EVER because I get to be in front of EVERYBODY! Do you get to be a line leader at your work?"
Me: "No, I don't get to be a line leader. We don't usually walk in lines."
Ainsley: "Well, I'M going to be a line leader when I grow up and make everyone walk in line behind me."
Watch out, Wall Street!


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