Why I'm Late to Work

My Daily Goal:  To leave the house by 6:55am; drop Parker at Kari’s at 7:10am, and get to Steward School by 7:45am (when my work day starts). School starts for Ainsley at 8:00am. This is what happened today, which unfortunately is more our standard routine than not. 

5:15am – Alarm goes off.
5:22 – Get out of bed.
5:23 – Get in the shower.
5:33 – Get dressed.
5:36 – Apply make-up.
5:42 – Make bed.
5:43 – Check phone for missed text message; read funny Facebook post.
5:46 – Let dogs outside.
[for the past 2 weeks we've been babysitting my parent's lab, who is basically a clone of our Dixie]
5:47 – Run outside to see why dogs are barking.
5:48 – Try to coax dogs away from opossum that has climbed up the smallest tree in the yard and can’t figure out how to get away.
5:53 – Finally get dogs back in the house; Ainsley has come downstairs carrying her clothes.
[We lay her clothes out each night. I still can't figure out why she has to carry them downstairs instead of putting them on in her bedroom...]
5:54 – Feed dogs.
5:56 – Turn on cartoons.
5:57 – Get breakfast for Ainsley.
5:59 – Walk into bathroom to dry my hair.
6:00 –Parker comes downstairs.
6:01 – Get breakfast for Parker.
6:03 – Argue with Parker about appropriate breakfast foods.
6:05 – Get second breakfast for Ainsley; ask her to get dressed.
6:07 – Give up on arguing with Parker and take him upstairs to get dressed.
6:08 – Parker doesn’t like the shirt I picked out. Try another one.
6:09 – Can’t find the other shoe that Parker wants to wear.
6:10 – Tell Ainsley to get dressed.
6:11 – Change the cartoon they are watching.
6:12 – Walk into bathroom to dry my hair.
6:13 – Dogs are wrestling; put them outside.
6:14 – Get another breakfast for Parker after he spills his cereal all over the floor.
6:15 – Let dogs back in house so they can clean up spilled cereal.
6:16 – Finish cleaning up.
6:17 – Walk into bathroom to do my hair.
6:21 – Half my hair is dry; take Parker to the potty.
6:24 – Give Parker treat for using the potty.
6:25 – Plead with Ainsley to get dressed.
6:26 – Walk into bathroom to dry other half of my hair.
6:30 – Turn the cartoon back on after they accidentally turn off the TV while fighting over the remote.
6:31 – Dogs are wrestling; put them outside.
6:32 – Brush teeth while flat iron warms up.
6:33 – Get Ainsley third breakfast.
6:35 – Notice that Ainsley has taken out half the things in her backpack. Repack bag and double-check for missing items.
6:38 – Walk into bathroom; forgot to turn on flat iron.
6:39 – Put my shoes, water bottle, and kids’ backpacks in the car while waiting for flat iron to warm up.
6:41 – Check upstairs to make sure lights and fans are turned off in kids’ rooms.
6:43 – Dogs are barking; let them in.
6:43:30 – Put the dogs back out when I realize they have muddy feet.
6:44 – Dry dogs’ feet.
6:46 – Brush Ainsley’s hair.
6:49 – Console Ainsley after hair-brushing-meltown.
6:51 – Ask kids to put on their shoes - it's almost time to go!
6:52 – Walk into bathroom to finish hair.
6:57 – Hair is finished.
6:58 - Yell at kids to put on their shoes. 
6:59 – Search for missing shoe that was there just a minute ago.
7:01 – Find missing shoe; tell kids to get in car.
7:03 – Give dogs a treat; tell them not to destroy anything.
7:04 – Parker doesn't want to leave; carry him to the car.
7:05 – Buckle Parker in car; ask Ainsley to buckle herself.
7:06 – Go back in the house to find Parker’s blankie.
7:08 – Go back in garage to find that neither kid is buckled; they are fighting over a happy meal toy.
7:09 – Buckle both kids in car while explaining the importance of leaving the house on time.
7:11 – Go back in the house for my phone; turn off lights.
7:13 – Pull out of garage. 
7:27 – Pull into Kari’s driveway.
7:28 – Get Parker into her house; chat for a few minutes about him.
7:32 – Get into car; get a snack out of the console for Ainsley.
7:33 – Leave Kari’s house.
7:45 – Traffic on 288 - we missed our no-traffic window. 
7:46 - Give Ainsley another lecture about the importance of listening to me so we can leave the house on time.
7:56 – Exit off 288.
7:59 – Tell Ainsley to put her shoes back on.
8:00 – Pull into school parking lot.
8:01 – Get Ainsley out of the car and start to walk through the parking lot.
8:02 – Turn around and go back to car; forgot my phone.
8:05 – Walk into school and get a late pass from Ms. Dunville.
8:06 – Kiss Ainsley goodbye and shoo her down the hallway to class.
8:07 - Try to ignore the stares of the teachers who know that, not only is my daughter late to school, but I am also late to work.
8:08 – Walk into my office and wonder why I can’t get to work on time.

We'll try again tomorrow...


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