Bittersweet Halloween

Halloween is so much more fun with kids around, especially since they are young and I can dress them up in whatever I want. I have to savor these years because pretty soon they'll just want to put on black clothes and say it's a costume. Since we only get one year's use from these costumes, I'm determined to get the most out of them. Last weekend was our neighborhood fall festival, which Ainsley dressed up for. Last night we took them to Trunk-or-Treat at our church. Today they have a costume parade at her school. And I'm really looking forward to trick-or-treating with them tonight. But in the midst of all the fun and games, Halloween also brings a twinge of sadness. It was October 31, 2010 when we took our beloved Duke Dog to the vet for surgery to remove what we thought was a benign fatty tumor from his ribcage. He'd always had a small lump on his side and we'd had it tested over the years to confirm that it was a simple fatty mass - extremely common ...