The Start of Halloween Week

Our new neighborhood has a lot of great kid-friendly events throughout the year. Today they had a fall festival at the clubhouse. The kids were encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes. They had hay rides to a 'pumpkin field' (the park in the neighborhood, filled with pumpkins) and each kid got to pick a pumpkin. They brought them back and painted them. They had a fire truck and an ambulance for the kids to explore. Ainsley and Owen played games, had sack races, and simply ran around like the crazy kids that they are. And I was thrilled to get some additional wear out of her Halloween costume. 

Beautiful Fairy Princess

Taking a tour of the fire truck.

Hayride with her best buddy Owen

Picking pumpkins

Good choices

Painting their prizes

Sack races - that's our little fairy athlete!

Bobbing for donuts

Since Parker didn't join us, he got to paint his pumpkin at home with his buddy Jake. He's a budding little artist!


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