
Want to know what makes a 4 year old laugh hysterically? Ask Grandaddy (formerly Tootsie the clown). He continues to entertain all the grandkids with magic tricks whenever they visit. But 4-year-old Ainsley is at the prime age to really appreciate it. She's seen his carrot trick before but it still gets her laughing every time. Parker actually sat and watched for a while, before he decided he really wanted to help Grandaddy with the magic and then had a meltdown when he couldn't get his hands on everything. Ainsley was captivated, and she spent the rest of the day trying to re-create her own magic tricks for the rest of us. 

Magic was just one highlight of the visit with Grandma and Grandaddy last weekend. Ainsley was thrilled to score 9 goals at her soccer game to impress Grandma. We made a trip to the Children's Museum, and of course had a lot of play time at home. The kids have been so happy to have back-to-back visits from the grandparents, and we had the opportunity to show off the new house to everyone. 


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