3rd Generation Toy

When Skip and Reva were visiting last weekend they discovered the Lincoln Logs in the playroom. I had put this box in the bottom of the chest because I knew Parker was still too young for it, and wasn't sure if Ainsley was quite ready. But she and Grandma pulled out the box and spent a lot of time building a log cabin (which Parker quickly came by and knocked over).

While they were playing I took some time to study the box. I had seen it many times before. It used to be at my Grandma and Grandpa Ayres' house when I was younger, along with many other toys from my dad's childhood - Grandma Ayres kept everything!  I have many fond memories of building log homes with my dad. And these logs have seen some wear and tear. They're a little faded, but still strong and sturdy.

My dad thinks that he received this set as a gift when he was about 4 or 5 years old. Not to give my dad's age away, but that means this set of logs is over 60 years old! They were stored in a box from Elmira Greeting Card Company. This company, just over the border in New York State, was apparently where my grandmother ordered a lot of her greeting cards from. This particular box was mailed to her on January 3, 1957 and cost 27 cents to mail. Apparently it was the perfect size box to store a set of Lincoln Logs after the original box met its end.

This set of Lincoln Logs has entertained countless boys and girls in our family, and now has a home in Richmond, Virginia, 60 years later. Although the box has reached the end of its life, I hope the logs inside it will continue to entertain our children's children in another 60 years.


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