The Kiss

It all started very innocently. Ainsley's best friend and classmate, Julianne, told her mom that Ainsley was going to marry Tanner (a boy in their class). Apparently Ainsley invited Julianne to the wedding and she wanted to make sure her mom knew that she would be attending. This story made its way through Facebook to me during the day, so in the car on the way home I decided to get my own version of the story:

Me:  "Ainsley, what did you do in school today?"
Ainsley: "Umm... nothing."  (sigh... does it really start this early?)
Me: "Julianne said that there is a boy in class that you want to marry."
Ainsley: "Yes, I'm going to marry Tanner."
Me: "Why do you want to marry him?"
Ainsley: "Because he's so sweet!"
Me: "Okay... I think you're a little young to get married."
Ainsley: "And he's nice. And he's my friend. You should always marry a friend, right?"
Me: "Yes, that's right! You should marry a friend. You should marry your best friend because you'll be married forever."
Ainsley: "Yeah... you and daddy are best friends and you're still married."
Me: "That's right!.... But it's still probably a little too early for you to marry Tanner. I think you should wait a few years."
Ainsley: "Okay Mama..."
Me: "Did you tell Tanner that you wanted to marry him?"
Ainsley: "Yes! He's so sweet!"
Me: "What did he say when you told him?"
Ainsley: "He was happy. He wants to marry me too. (Oh brother...) And I gave him a kiss!"
Me: "What?? You have him a kiss? Where?"
Ainsley: "On the lips! I gave him a big kiss on the lips!"
Me (trying to contain my laughter): "What did your teacher do?"
Ainsley (pouting): "She told me I have to keep my lips to myself."

I can only imagine the story that Tanner is telling his parents tonight...


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