A Visit from the Ayres

My parents are headed out west next week. Dad is going on a mule deer hunt to the same place he hunted elk last year. Mom is tagging along to hike and paint the beautiful scenery. Before their trip they came for a visit to Richmond. The real reason for coming, of course, was to see the kids. Reason number two was to drop off their dog Lila, who will be staying with us while they're gone. The third reason was to see the new house. Fourth and finally, yes, they also came to see Eric and I. We tried to pack as much fun into the visit as possible. 

They watched Ainsley's soccer practice (and entertained Parker.)

We went out for dinner.

 Ainsley and Nana made pancakes for breakfast. 

We played hide-n-seek. Ainsley decided to help Nana 'hide' by piling clothes on top of her. 

Parker and Papa watched football. 

Nana and Papa also took the kids to the zoo so I could get some chores done around the house. A fun, but quick, visit. We look forward to having them come back in a few weeks to retrieve Lila and spend some more time together!


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