
While Parker has been busy with his tractors, Ainsley has developed a very girly obsession with fairies. She's watched Peter Pan quite a few times, but there is this new Disney movie that is all about Tinkerbell. We made the mistake of taping it when it was on TV a few weeks ago and it's been all downhill from there. I didn't help the situation when I found a big box-o-fairies at the consignment store. Yep - a whole bunch of them (15 or 16 I think). I hid them all in a box on the top shelf of her closet, and every night while she's sleeping I get out a new fairy and hide it in her room somewhere. This has been going on for a few weeks and every morning she is delighted to find a new fairy somewhere in her room. Of course I'm not quite sure what I'll do when I run out of them... but at that point I can probably just start re-hiding the same ones and she won't know the difference.

Ainsley lines them up in a big circle in her room every day to count how many she has. She even puts them in a pattern - and is very serious about explaining the pattern to me each time. 'Look Mommy. SEE - they are in a PATTERN. Blue, then red, then orange, then blue... It's a PATTERN.'

Last weekend when I was in Williamsburg with the girls I stumbled (not literally - although you might think that since we'd been visiting wineries) into a kid's toy and book store. They had a FAIRY ENCYCLOPEDIA. A book all about Tinkerbell and her fairy friends. It goes into quite a bit of detail about each one - favorite color, where the live, what they do, how they wear their hair, personality traits, and even talks about the fabric of their clothes. The perfect book for my little bug (especially since I had some mommy guilt about leaving them all day to go drinking with friends.)

Last night at bedtime I told her I would read a few pages about some of the fairies. She carefully found each of the fairies to match the ones in the book. When it was time for me to leave she said 'Mommy, I'm just going to study this book a little while with my fairies." An hour later, after we thought she was asleep, Eric found her in bed, fairies lined up beside her, STILL flipping through the book.

I guess it could be worse. She could be obsessed with Miley Cyrus...


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