Momming Hard on a Well-Deserved Day Off : Day 26

It's Good Friday, which is a day off of school. Thank the good Lord! Amen!

The kids opened their fun Easter package from Nana and Papa, and Ainsley went straight into coloring the pages (with help from her favorite supervisor).

We spent a little time helping the Freed's get moved into their house. Correction: I helped. The kids ran around the yard. But I supposed that is helping since it kept all the kids out of the way. 

Panda had his annual vet check up, and I'm happy to say he did very well (our previous cat, Squirt, had quite the reputation for bad behavior at the vet). 

It was great to have a day without school work hanging over our heads, and the kids took full advantage of the nice weather to be outside. We finally decided to get rid of the playhouse, so tomorrow it will be picked up by its new owner. So long, playhouse. You gave us almost 7 years of fun times but we have outgrown you. I hope your new family enjoys you as much as we have!


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