Eco-Friendly, Conflict-Free, Dye-Free, Gluten-Free, Fat-Free, Fragrance-Free, Pesticide-Free, Organic Shopping
I'm not sure how my parents did it 'the old-fashioned way' when I was little. I know mom used cloth diapers, because that's what people used (it's coming back into fashion now too!) Now we have a million choices of disposable (or cloth or reusable or recyclable) diapers. With Ainsley I used for our free mail-delivery diapers, wipes, and baby food. I still use them for baby food and snacks, but with Parker's sensitive skin I have switched to using The Honest Company for his diapers. They do a monthly mail delivery service also, and I especially love the choices of diaper patterns. No Mickey Mouse or SpongeBob Squarepants for Parker! He rotates between skull and crossbones, dinosaurs, Navy anchor, and the patriotic red, white and blue stars. They actually sell lots of other household products, all eco-friendly, organic, dye-free, and safe for sensitive skin. I've also switched to their laundry detergent, dryer sheets and dishwasher soap. Why am...