Soccer Star

Ainsley just finished up her summer gymnastics class and stared Upward Soccer through our church. She took an indoor soccer class last year but they only did drills and never actually played games. We hope that Upward will be a better experience for our energetic, competitive little girl. She is so excited that Julianne is on her team (J's father Ben is the coach so we actually get to see quite a bit of them this fall!) They practice on Monday nights for an hour, and have games on Saturday mornings. The perfect outlet for her energy - and it turns out she's a natural! I'm sure some of it is genetic, and not from the Ayres side. 

Here are some pictures from her first few practices. First game is tomorrow. Go Flash! 

Carefully listening to Coach Ben!

Practicing his goalie moves.

So happy with her new pink socks and cleats!

Our soon-to-be athlete.


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