Back to School
On Friday Ainsley had meet-the-teacher day at Woodlake United Methodist Preschool. This is the same school she attended last year, but this year she'll be in the 4-year-old class on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9:30am - 2pm. She met her teachers, Ms. Laura and Ms. Lisa, and had a scavenger hunt to find the fun things in her classroom. She is sooo excited to start back at school, and even more thrilled that her friend Julianne is in her class again.
Tuesday, her first day of school, was even more exciting. Daddy treated her to a special breakfast at Waffle House and then got to school early so they could have time on the playground. She discovered that three of her classmates from last year are in her class again this year. Since she has longer days this year we have to pack a lunch to send. I spent 5 minutes going through the lunch options with her and she selected a jelly sandwich ("with my favorite gold jelly, Mama!"). [Side note: A few weeks ago I lined up every jelly in the house, six of them, and had her taste-test each one so she could decide which ones she likes and doesn't like. Apple jelly was her favorite, just like her Daddy.] So her first day lunch was yogurt, applesauce, whale crackers, jelly sandwich and milk. She didn't touch her sandwich. Go figure.
She brought home some artwork from the first day, including a nice handprint poem. But when I asked what her favorite thing was about the first day of school she said "playing on the monkey bars with Daddy!" I think we always underestimate how important and special it is just to play with the kids. For Daddy's little girl, it made her day.
Tuesday, her first day of school, was even more exciting. Daddy treated her to a special breakfast at Waffle House and then got to school early so they could have time on the playground. She discovered that three of her classmates from last year are in her class again this year. Since she has longer days this year we have to pack a lunch to send. I spent 5 minutes going through the lunch options with her and she selected a jelly sandwich ("with my favorite gold jelly, Mama!"). [Side note: A few weeks ago I lined up every jelly in the house, six of them, and had her taste-test each one so she could decide which ones she likes and doesn't like. Apple jelly was her favorite, just like her Daddy.] So her first day lunch was yogurt, applesauce, whale crackers, jelly sandwich and milk. She didn't touch her sandwich. Go figure.
She brought home some artwork from the first day, including a nice handprint poem. But when I asked what her favorite thing was about the first day of school she said "playing on the monkey bars with Daddy!" I think we always underestimate how important and special it is just to play with the kids. For Daddy's little girl, it made her day.
Little bug passed out that afternoon while watching Cinderella. What a busy day!
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