Labor Day IX

For the ninth year, we had our group of friends up at the lake for Labor Day. We started this tradition years ago before we had children. Now there are 8 adults and 7 children! It's always a crazy but very fun weekend. This year my parents made a lot of improvements to the lake area - a new large grass lawn, a gazebo (screened in with a ceiling fan), a bigger dock with a ladder, and additional water-entry points with boulders to step down. This was the first year that the youngest kids were able to get in the water, and Parker turned out to be just as much of a water bug as his big sister. We had beautiful warm weather all weekend, and almost everyone went for a swim at some point!

Per tradition, we had s'mores and fireworks, and also spent a lot of time taking kids for ATV and Ranger rides. The big kids had a nature walk in the woods looking for newts, and Dixie wore herself out swimming and chasing the ATV.
Showing off her new tractor shirt that Papa gave her.

Parker's newest word? "Mimi!"


A nice day for a walk.

Gathering newts

Rub-a-dub-dub, three babes in a tub!

Mmmm.... marshmallows....

 Is this jail?

Handsome little guy on the move!

Ready for a race!

Abby and Colin, little lovebirds.

Enjoying the beautiful new steps and warm water.

A water bug, just like his sister!

Checking out the sturdy new dock!

We are so glad that we can continue this tradition with our friends, and that my parents continue to let us kick them out of their house each year!


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