Work and School

Work and School... for me they are one in the same now that I am working at a k-12 private school. After 6 weeks in my new position I am still convinced this was the right move. My stress level has decreased dramatically. And I still can't believe that when I leave at 4:45pm each day, I am not expected to read emails or do any work until I come back in the next morning at 7:45am. On the rare occasion that I have to work extra hours, like for tonight's Board of Trustee meeting, I am given the option of extra pay or time off. My boss, the headmaster, is a friendly, supportive, and optimistic man who comes in every day with a smile. And I've quickly become friends with his lovely wife, which is a bonus!

My office has (gasp!) matching furniture! And for the first time in 8 years I am not buried in under paperwork and files, but have everything stored nice and clean (and electronic) on my computer.  The board members that I work with are not high maintenance (like at my job at CAI). One of them actually called me yesterday just to say thank you, and he really appreciates my hard work. I was waiting for the "but..." part of the conversation - it never came. He simply called to say thanks.

The highlight of my day is watching all the kids coming and going to the dining commons. I can look at all of them and picture Ainsley growing through the years. The cute elementary school girls with their pigtails and dresses. The awkward middle school girls, all clustered together and staying as far away from the boys as possible. The high school girls, growing into beautiful young ladies and learning how to be leaders.

The headmaster's 6th grade son comes by my office every afternoon to shyly and politely ask for a piece of candy from my bowl. The kindergarteners stare in awe when they walk by their senior 'buddies' on the way to a school event. Sometimes I even catch some of the middle and upper school kids playing soccer on the fields with the lower schoolers. How fun to be able to watch so many different ages all in one place!

This is how I got to spend one afternoon last week - 2 hours helping lower and middle school kids plant winter vegetables in the gardens of the Bryan Innovation Lab. Gardening at work? How did I get so lucky?

I'll see if I'm still singing the same tune 6 months from now, but so far I'm loving life.


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