18 Months and Counting

It's so hard to believe that Parker is now over 18 months old. A year and a half. 601 days. 14,424 hours. When do we stop counting his age in months? I guess I'll just say he's almost two. Where did the time go? Our little man grows more and more everyday. 25 lbs, 5 oz (65%) weight, and  33 1/2 inches tall (80%). He is (almost) running constantly, loves to climb, and really loves trains, trucks and cars. He says a handful of words - Mama, Dada, Papa, Dixie, Mimi (lucky Amy!), ball, water, bubble, car, kitty, and more everyday!

He has moved to one nap a day (a long one, usually 2 - 3 hours), and he sleeps about 12 hours at night. No bottles, no pacifiers, just lots of milk and occasionally food (he's going through a hunger strike at the moment). He's a happy boy and loves his sister so much. We are so happy and blessed to have him in our family.


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