Another Visit to the Farm

With another beautiful fall day ahead of us we decided to go back to Chesterfield Berry Farm (as a family) to pick our pumpkins. Ainsley was thrilled to go back and see all the animals, and we knew Parker would be yelling 'tractor!' as soon as we pulled in the parking space. More crowds than last weekend but still a wonderful morning. More rides on the barrel train, the wagon pull, and the hayride. We even ran into our old neighbors and Ainsley got to spend a few minutes in the moonbounce with Kyleigh.

Pretty Bug

Duck races
SOOOOO happy about tractor wagon rides!

 Handsome Boy, Happy Mama

Ainsley immediately asked to jump in the 'big thing with all the corn!' I'm still finding corn all over the house from last weekend's adventure and I'm sure to bring more home after this visit.

After the hayride out to the fields, Ainsley picked out some very nice pumpkins and we look forward to carving them in a few weeks.

Farmer Parker thinks he is strong enough to carry his own pumpkin.

For you Richmonders, Chesterfield Berry Farm often gives coupons if you purchase items from their market (which is on Hull Street at Brandermill). Last weekend we purchased $10 in produce from the market and got 4 free general activity tickets for the farm ($40 value). We also got a ticket for a free BBQ plate, which Eric thoroughly enjoyed before his soccer game (although I wouldn't recommend eating the chili before playing soccer.)

Ready to head home and watch the game with Daddy.


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