Chickens, Tractors and Corn, Oh My!

Today my DH made his annual trip to DC to watch a Redskins game with his friend Kyle. What was I going to do with the kids all day on a beautiful Sunday?  After looking up a few options I decided to take them to the Chesterfield Berry Farm. The farm actually has much more than berries - every season they have some kind of pick-your-own fruit or vegetable, or even Christmas trees! This weekend was the start of their fall pumpkin season. It's a little too early for us to get pumpkins but they have tons of other family entertainment. The kids fed cows, chickens and goats. They watched pig races. Ainsley rode a pony. They bounced in the moon bounce. We found our way through a 3/4 mile corn maze. They rode behind a tractor in mini-wagons, and they rode in the barrel cars behind another tractor. Yet another tractor ride - the hay ride - took us out to the pumpkin fields. We surveyed quite a few and got some ideas for what kind of pumpkins we want when we come back with Daddy in a few weeks. They rolled around in a big play box filled with cracked corn. They raced big wheels and tricycles around a track. And all before lunch! They had a great time, and cemented Parker's obsession with tractors. It's all he talks about these days! He certainly takes after the Ayres men.

Not sure about those big, smelly cows...

The first of many tractor rides.

More tractors!

Corn fun (and we brought plenty home with us too!)

Ainsley taught Parker how to say 'cluck cluck.'

Our little cowgirl!

On the way to look for pumpkins. (Side note - Parker carried that car around with him the entire day. He refused to put it down. I think it's his new security blanket.)

Final tractor ride of the day!

Worn out and watching cartoons to recover!


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