Friday Treat

I took off work a little early today. I worked late Tuesday night for a board meeting and - lucky me - I get comp time! I was running a bunch of errands when I remembered that Ainsley's school finishes at 2pm. Wouldn't it be a big surprise if I picked her up from school and took her out for some frozen yogurt? Some special mommy-daughter time since I'll be gone all day tomorrow (more on that next time.)

She was totally thrilled when she saw me outside her classroom. She held my hand all the way to the car and kept saying how excited she was to have special time with me. She actually told me all about her school day (she is usually tired of talking about it by the time I pick her up from Robin's.) We enjoyed girl talk while eating our fro-yo. She got to be the line leader today. They made an 'apple pie' in art class. And they had a fire drill, which was pretty exciting for her. 

After we got home I laid down with her and she promptly fell asleep for a good long nap. What a great afternoon for the girls! 


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