Momming and Running Hard: Day 16

Okay, here we go. I've moved on from yesterday's depressing news (countdown is now 70 days, for those of you keeping track). We are ready to start a new day. And what better way to start the day than enjoying a beautiful sunrise on my morning walk with the dogs?

I came home from my walk, and my lovely daughter was making waffles for the whole family! I can tell this is going to be a better day! 

Sure enough, it has been better! Parker did a great job with this school work and didn't have any meltdowns. The same can't be said for Ainsley, although her meltdown was caused by technology frustrations and it ended pretty quickly. It helps that she has several support staff in the room to help her... 

You know what else makes today great?! I did my 100th Peloton running class!!! For those of you who are not Peloton followers, hitting any milestone is a big deal. I was lucky that my favorite instructor was doing a live class today at a time that worked for my schedule so I even got a shout-out during class! And one of my best friends was able to do the run with me and cheer me on (from his own Peloton at home, of course). 

 My century badge! 

And thanks to Fish, I earned another badge too! 

I am so incredibly thankful to have my Peloton tread. It has helped me to run and train even when it is dark or raining outside. Back when life was 'normal' it allowed me to get in long runs even when my DH was traveling for work, because I could run at home without leaving the kids. The classes and instructors have pushed me to train harder, and the Peloton community, filled with other members, has offered so much support in a variety of ways. I am breaking all of my personal records -  for 5k, 8k, 10k, and hopefully for my half marathon in May as well. It has offered an outlet for stress relief during this crazy time, and I am looking forward to my next 100 runs! 

(PS - if you have a Peloton please follow me #Runs4GoodWine)


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