Momming Hard: Day 4

Day 4. It's March 19 and IT'S 80 DEGREES OUTSIDE!!! God intervened in the midst of all this to give us a glorious summer day in March. Y'all, today for recess I went on a BIKE RIDE.  Outside. For 2 miles.  I know, pick yourself up off the floor from the shock of that.  I would've gone farther but the kids were hot and tired. My beautiful bike has been hanging in the garage for... maybe 2 years? Not anymore! This momma is riding bikes with her kids outside! Mom Win for the Day. 

I've told the kids they can only watch TV at lunch time, but it has to be educational shows. (I know, I know... by this time next week I'll be laughing about this rule). They've been watching animal documentaries on Disney+. We finished African Cats and have now moved on to Born in China. Oh the irony... 

We had some excellent reading time while I worked this afternoon. Here are my two boys keeping me company in the basement. 

We had a little happy hour on the back patio while the kids rode their bikes. Remember when I said it was 80 degrees? We grilled steaks and pretended it was July. After dinner we got to watch the International Space Station fly over the house! So cool! 

Some very tired kids after a busy day outside. We'll see what tomorrow holds... 


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