Momming Hard: Day 2

COVID 19.... Day 2 of no school.

The struggle is real. The kids did a great job of following their schedule (for the most part), although the challenge is not having any 'official' school work yet. The teachers won't start sending real work for them until next week so right now I'm just filling their time with reviewing old curriculum and playing math games on their iPads. I ordered some worksheet books on Amazon but they won't arrive for a few days.

Thirty minutes into the day and they were already fighting. Slamming doors. Crying. Sigh... it's only 9am. Hugs. Redirection. Now we're okay. Go read. Mommy needs to take a call.

They build castles out of blocks. Ainsley writes some math problems for Parker to solve. Except they are fifth grade math problems, so his second-grade-self gets frustrated and runs to his room.

Everyone is outside. Riding bikes. Walking. Enjoying the fresh air and sunny 70 degree weather. We talk to neighbors over the fence. We stand in the street. Somehow we end up with what seems like half the neighborhood walking behind our house. We get a little social time in the yard (while standing far away and with no more than 10 people at a time). The kids and some friends draw on the driveway and sidewalks with chalk.

I still think I will run out of wine before this is over. Day two and I'm already trying to figure out how I'm going to manage weeks of home school + work at the same time. But let's focus on the positive. We have beautiful weather to go outside. Our whole family (including grandparents) is healthy and germ-free. We have food. We have toilet paper. We have pets to snuggle and hugs to give each other.

Yes, Panda, this IS exhausting.


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