Momming Hard: Day 12

Finally made it to Friday. Thank the good Lord. Our admin staff had a virtual happy hour in the afternoon, which was a nice way to see everyone's faces and check in on the week. I especially love seeing the kids and pets joining in on the fun. The days are all starting to blur together. What day of the week is it? What's the date? March 283rd? Seems like it...

More evidence that our cat thinks he is just one of the dogs.

Blue loves to sit in the playroom (aka - the kids' classroom) to keep track of what they are doing. 

So here we are. We made it through our first full official week of home school. We survived. Yes, there were tears (both mine and the kids) but we also laughed a lot too.  Today two of our neighbors have birthdays, so we used some time this afternoon to bake some special desserts for them. Love walking into the house and smelling freshly baked desserts! And yes, I will have that drink on a Friday at 3pm to celebrate making it through alive!


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