Momming Hard: Day 5

Day 5: Look who's up bright and early! 

After reading we had creative time. Ainsley colored with stencils while Blue supervised. 

Parker made some Pixo shapes. 

I had to run to school to do some network updates on my laptop. The trip out of the neighborhood was super exciting. My crazy bug was laughing hysterically with her brother. 

She had her first video class with her teachers. Obviously she needed some 'help'...

Our neighborhood FB group suggested that everyone draw on their driveways and sidewalks and we could go around and look at all of the designs on our daily walks and bike rides. The kids took this job very seriously, and filled up the entire driveway with a complete solar system, and multiple kinds of  ice cream cones. 

Yum.... ice cream. 

We survived today mostly because the weather was so nice and we were able to get outside a lot. The kids played with the hose in a neighbor's yard and got soaked while the parents enjoyed a social-distancing cocktail on the driveway. 


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