Momming Hard: Day 11

Day 11. Ainsley was already crying at 8:25am. Great way to start off the day. 

Decided to get the kids out of the house for a few hours. Parker had an engineering project today, so we decided we would complete it outside. We drove the 5 quick minutes to Pocahontas State Park, grabbed his school iPad, and headed down the trail. He had to create several 'rooms.' He made a bed in the woods using tree bark and leaves. He and Ainsley made a hopscotch board using twigs and gumballs. He created a stick lean-to, covered with leaves, and created a 'security system' for it. 

And he made a 'game room' with a 'TV' and game controls. LOL!

We ended up hiking a couple miles, completed his engineering tasks for class, and spent lots of time fighting over who got to walk in front (always a favorite among siblings).  Then we went to Chick-Fil-A drive through and all was right with the world again. Nana and Papa met us in the parking lot and we all got to visit through the car windows. It was great to see their faces in real life instead of FaceTime! 

I think Ainsley is more upset about the Olympics being cancelled than school being cancelled. She has spent all year reading about Katie Ledecky and Missy Franklin, and was so excited to watch them in the pool this summer. Poor girl... But Nana found some of the trials on the Olympic channel (who knew there was one??) so she is having fun watching them. 

I've pulled out lots of good old-fashioned games to play when they need a break (or when I need a break...) Panda really likes to help with Connect Four. He tries his hardest to squeeze himself into the little tray at the bottom. Good thing we have this crazy cat to lift our spirits and make us smile. 

I've made another goal (you're so proud, aren't you?) I want to make the perfect Cosmo. I bought all the ingredients and made my first one tonight. It was delicious! 

Now to take my beautiful pink drink to the puzzle table for a few minutes of peace and quiet. Well, maybe not quiet... 


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