Momming Hard: Day 3

Day 3.
Things I have learned:

1. We go through a ridiculous amount of trash when we are all home.
2. I've been running the dishwasher every day. Every. Day. I should've stocked up on dishwasher pods instead of toilet paper.
3. Dining room chairs are not the same as office chairs. My butt can attest to this.

We're still in adjustment mode. Still figuring out the schedule and making tweaks to it. Trying to answer the question about 'when we go back to school?'... and knowing that the answer is not what they want to hear. 'School closure' sounds fun until you're on day 3 of house arrest. Now they want to see their friends and teachers.

"I'm so close to catching that darn mouse on the screen!"


Ainsley has decided she would like to help me cook dinner every night. Win for mom! Bonus points because she then ate ALL of her dinner. Let's see how long we can keep this up. My goal is to have them eating some new foods by the end of this.

Speaking of goals... I think I should set some goals for this period of time. Exposing the kids to new foods is definitely one of them. Any ideas on some other goals (for me or for the family)?  What is everyone else doing?


  1. I love that the blog is back! My goal is to leave house arrest healthier than I started. I'm committing to exercise daily- even if it's just yoga or a walk around the block. We are also trying to eat really healthy. Yay for mommy's new cooking buddy! Way to go Ainsley!


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