Momming Hard Day 9... until the end of time

Things were rolling along quite nicely yesterday (well, not really but let's not get caught up in subtraction regrouping lessons).  We were getting ourselves set up for success on this temporary schedule. We were learning things and reading things and writing things and then... the bottom dropped out. The governor announced all schools are closed for the rest of the year.  I'm sure all the other parents watching the news conference had the same physical reaction that I did. I felt like I'd been punched in the gut. Tears, anger, disbelief... my poor children. ALL these poor children. When they left for spring break they didn't realize it would be the last time they'd see their friends. The last time they'd see their teachers. Ainsley, in particular, is taking it the hardest. She's missing her last Lower School play. Her last Grandparents Day show. No field day. No fifth grade graduation. No class graduation party. She is heartbroken. The next time she sets foot on campus she'll be in Middle School. 

Parker took the news in stride. He's upset that his soccer season has been cancelled. He can't go to his favorite restaurant. He seems excited to be at home with me. But in the next breath he is complaining that I'm working too much. He needs help. He has questions. 

Personally, as with many others, this was hard news to hear. I love my children and want to keep them, and others, safe. But this is such a life-changing event. It will be something they talk about their whole lives. I'm so sad for all the kids and families who are affected by this. I worry constantly. We are very blessed that our teachers are continuing to teach online. But I worry that they won't learn enough. I worry that I'm not going to be able to teach them enough at home. I worry that I won't have the patience or the time. I worry that they will be addicted to their screens. Between TV and iPads, even though a lot of it is educational... it's still a lot of screen time. I worry about how will I do my job. Will I even have a job? I worry about how to prioritize what needs to be done at work vs. the support that my kids need.  I worry that I'm going to suck at both my parenting job and my real job. I worry that I have no patience for either. 

Matthew 6:27 "And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?” 

I know. Worrying won't solve anything.  I will simply write down my worries here, offer them up to God, and then move on.  We will make it through this, of course. I'm doing my best to stay optimistic in front of the kids. I don't want them to see me stressed or worried. 

I'm trying to find the good in all of this:

- Family Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners together!
- My hubby doesn't have to travel!
- My dogs and cat are sooooo happy to have their people home! 
- Ainsley is learning to cook!
- Parker is getting REALLY good at riding his bike - this is great preparation for his mountain biking camp this summer! 
- Thank goodness we have FaceTime so the kids can see their grandparents!
- We'll get caught up on all the last two years of shows on the DVR! 
- I'll get lots of outdoor exercise during 'recess' time with the kids! 
- I'm going to work through the stack of books on my nightstand! 
- We live in the BEST NEIGHBORHOOD EVER. Cheers! 
- And there will be many, many more good things. 

Finally... the best thing about the next few months is that we WILL come out the other side. We will learn some things along the way. We will laugh, cry, sing, and scream... but we will do it together. Stay safe, world. 


  1. Oh Steph! I’m right there with ya sister! I have no idea how to balance this new life for the rest of this semester! Working from home, kids school from home, not getting out much, but I too am learning to lean more on God and less on myself. Learning that He is in control, not me. Learning to seek His word and my knees first.

    Praying for you all to keep safe as we trust Him through this time! Love you!!

    Joshua 1:9
    This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”


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